welcome to scott emmerson electricals
ALL Electrical systems or appliances cannot be considered safe for use until they have been inspected, tested and certified. Regular electrical system testing is essential: electrical systems deteriorate with age, use and alterations, so an existing installation should always be periodically inspected and tested to determine its suitability and more importantly its safety for continued service.
Scott Emmerson Electricals can carry out a periodic inspection and issue you with a full "Electrical Installation Condition Report" informing you of the condition of your installation and any remedial works that may be required to bring it up to a satisfactory and safe standard.
Put simply, this report is based on the inspection and testing of all the electrical circuits and accessories in your electrical system.
The wiring of each circuit will undergo a series of tests to make sure the wiring is safe and that the circuit is wired correctly. The report will also determine if items such as earthing, water and gas bonding and incoming supply are sufficient. All this data will be contained in the report we give to the client.
We do many aspects of testing from Domestic homes, shops and factories but also mobile installations such as caravans, mobile catering trailers and Decontamination units hence we are contracted by one of the UK's biggest Asbestos decontamination specialists SMH Products in Washington, Tyne & Wear.
As a NAPIT (National Association of Professional Inspectors & Testers) approved electrical contractor that has full "Part P" registered approval, you can be confident that all our inspections are thorough, accurate and are carried out to the highest standards.
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